Favorite Things From My Kitchen

Mandy over at The Complete Cook Book in South Africa has a wonderful idea of sharing some items in her kitchen each month. From what I understand, Celia from Fig Jam and Lime Cordial started this idea so head over to their blogs as see what they are sharing this month too.

An “In My Kitchen” post is supposed to be posted on the first of the month, at least within a few days of it.

Here are a few of my favorite things in my kitchen this month.

In my kitchen: is a tall vase full of beautiful sunflowers a friend brought as a thank-you for dinner.

Sunflowers from a friend as a thank-you for dinner.

Mac Tonight” always makes me grin, especially when he sings.
(He has had a hard time finding other work after this, hope the royalties are good! See below for his resume.)

There was an art show this weekend that had some very nice art work. Since our old sugar bowl has a cracked lid, I saw this mans work and couldn’t resist buying this wonderful new sugar bowl. Although made of stoneware, it is thin and lightweight. He has details inside and out that make such nice finishing touches. Rogers other work of bowls, vases and receptacles are all very high quality and very well made. Check out his Etsy store here : RStrom Pottery

The new sugar bowl

Sugar bowl lid detail

Sugar bowl inside lid detail, notice the corner seams. Nicely done!

Outside detail of the sugar bowl.
I just love it!

Russian Spoons

A student of mine is from Russia. She brought me a gift one year of these delightful spoons. They are hand painted. The small spoon is for salt and the larger one is for sugar. And yes I do use them all the time.

Will you share some of your favorite things in your kitchen?

Just in case you don’t know who “Mac Tonight” is, here in a compilation of his work with McDonald’s. For some crazy reason, this guy makes me giggle, snap my fingers and sing. (Watch out!)

The second song is my favorite! They had to keep revising the lyrics due to copyright infringements with the original song.

This is all so odd because I don’t eat this kind of food, but adore these commercials.

So Mr. Mac gets an honored spot in my kitchen. He is responsible for spontaneous outbursts of song and snapping fingers.

18 thoughts on “Favorite Things From My Kitchen

  1. How fun of you to share a glimpse into your kitchen and what beauty there is to be found. Your sugar bowl and spoons are just too gorgeous!
    Thanks again for the link back!
    Have a super weekend.
    🙂 Mandy

    • When I first saw your “In My Kitchen’ post I thought what a great and fun idea.
      It led me to Celia’s blog which is great too. So thank you!
      Have a great weekend too!

  2. I love the sunflowers! My niece used to send me sunflowers through an internet floral service when she was in Iraq. It makes me smile to remember how she tried to distract me from thinking of the war with sunflowers.
    And the sugar bowl is a real treasure! I love pottery that is functional.
    Thanks for sharing- your post was very enjoyable.

  3. I have similar spoons (my family is from Belarus) and I love them! I hardly ever use them because I’m afraid I’ll damage them. However, family tells me they should be used for special occasions and hand washed.

    • Definitely hand washed. I get great pleasure spooning out salt and sugar with the spoons. I think of the person who gave them to me and I appreciate their beauty.
      Guess I am of the school to use the precious things we have. Why else have them?

  4. Pingback: My First Year of Blogging « Spoon Feast

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